Entries from 'Ireland'

Anniversary Trip to Galway

While in Ireland, we celebrated our 2-year wedding anniversary and decided to drive south to Galway to explore a different region of the country.  Galway is an artsy and bohemian city filled with great food and live music.  Galway is home to the Irish Claddagh rings, Aran sweaters and some of Ireland’s oldest “trad session”…

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The Irish Countryside

We sought out for big waves in Northwest Ireland, but instead we got nice mild weather and a calm ocean.  The Atlantic Ocean’s waves are very unpredictable, so our time in Ireland was spent waiting…and waiting…and waiting for waves.  Unfortunately they never came, but we made the best of our three-week trip.  County Sligo We…

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Delightful Dublin, Ireland

Welcome to Ireland!  Our cross-Atlantic flight seemed short this time around and it’s probably because we were flying from New York versus California.  Mike’s parents, Eric and Betsy Matz, joined us on this leg of the trip.  Upon landing in Dublin, we picked up our rental cars and Mike & Eric had to immediately get used…

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